Narok Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu Warns his MCA Critics
By Albert Tonui
Narok County governor Patrick Ole Ntutu highlights the work his government is doing in every Ward in the County.
While lashing at the critiques of his county leadership that include a section of Members of County Assembly Ntutu says his administration has done a great job in a record two and a half years.
”We have initiated a lot of projects and completed a good number of them.
Those that are ongoing are getting completed very soon.
My friends MCAs who are against my government have no agenda for the people, I ask them to support the government so that together we build our county.” Ntutu said.
Governor Ntutu is on record saying the Ksh.100M his government allocates to every ward has done a tremendous job which is open for all to see.
He castigates his critiques which include mainly a section of MCAs saying they have no agenda for the county and instead ask them to join hands with his government in order to serve together the people of Narok County.
”I welcome you Ezekiel and other MCAs to join hands with my government so that we all move our county forward.
There is no need to complain that you do not access county resources yet you isolated yourselves from the government.
We have done notable developments which include hospitals, ECD centers roads and so on and all for all to see.” Ntutu said while recently addressing wananchi in Emurua Dikirr boys high school.