
Melelo Residents Decry Impassable Bridge


Residents of Enoosagami in Melelo areas in Naroksouth have urged the county government of Narok and the national government to join effort in the construction of a bridge connecting various places among schools in the area.


Speaking to kass fm the residents led by Daniel koima said the bridge serves many areas of melelo hence the Government should move with speed in making sure that the construction is done without fail to allow the road users access.


“As the residents of this place, we are unable to travel since the bridge connecting us to various places was damaged when a lorry loose control hitting the bridge and as the residents we are devastated,” he said.


The residents call on the elected leaders to provide a solution on the damaged wooden bridge.


The area residents had built a wooden bridge to assist them in connecting various places but unfortunately the lorry which was carrying heavy luggage damaged it.

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